Dinh Thi Lam, Katsunori Tanaka,, Akihiko Takashima, Ayako Shibutani, Ryuji Ishikawa(2025)Genetic diversity on farm in Japanese paper mulberry. Ecology and Evolution, First published: 09 January 2025 https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.70828
Toyomoto D, Y Shibata, M Uemura, S Taura, T Sato, R Henry, R Ishikawa, K Ichitani (2024)Seed abortion caused by the combination of two duplicate genes in the progeny from the cross between Oryza sativa and Oryza meridionalis
2024 Volume 74 Issue 2 Pages 146-158 Jan
石川隆二 : 地域遺伝資源による次世代の作物育種-シークヮーサーにみる育種科学の貢献のありかた.日本の科学者 59(9)Sep, 2024.
石川隆二 DNA をさぐる 渋谷綾子・天野真志編 『古文書の科学 料紙を複眼的に分析する』
ISBN978-4-86766-004-1 C0021,文学通信,東京,pp103-116 A5判・並製・240頁
東アジア考古科学の新展開 中村氏日(監修),米田穣,佐々木由香,覚張隆史(編) 栽培育種学を応用した考古科学 石川隆二 117-123, 2024年3月1日
Ying Wang,Xueyong Li, Ryuji Ishikawa, Xiaojin Luo:Editorial: Mining and utilization of favorable gene resources in rice. Frontier of Plant Science. 14, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2023.1289069,14 Sep, 2023.
Xueyong Li, Xiaojin Luo, Ryuji Ishikawa: Mining and utilization of favorable gene resources in rice. Frontiers org, Media S.A. Switzerland. ISBN 978-2-8325-3608-7, DOI 10.3389/978-2-8325-3608, 13 Sep, 2023.
So Makabe, Htet Aung Htut, Hiroko Takahashi, Sayaka Shida, Masahiro Akimoto, Hathairat Urairong, Ryuji Ishikawa, Tadashi Sato, Yo-Ichiro Sato, Ikuo Nakamura (2022)Triploid Wild Rice (BKK) Strain Found in Bangkok Originated from Hybridizations among Three Parental Oryza Species. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2022, 13(1): 36-49(査読有)
Katsuyuki Ichitani , Daiki Toyomoto, Masato Uemura , Kentaro Monda , Makoto Ichikawa, Robert Henry, Tadashi Sato, Satoru Taura and Ryuji Ishikawa (2022) New Hybrid Spikelet Sterility Gene Found in Interspecific Cross between Oryza sativa and O. meridionalis. Plants 2022, 11, 378. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11030378(査読有)
Taddesse L., YL. Tanaka, R. Ishikawa (2021) Genetic diversity of African wild rice at the edge of its distribution.Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. Publishe :07Apr, GRES-D-19-00553R(査読付き)
Lam, DT., K. Ichitani, RJ. Henry, R. Ishikawa (2020) Molecular and morphological divergence of Australian wild rice. Plants 2020, 9(2), 224; https://doi.org/10.3390/plants9020224
石川隆二 :カジノキの遺伝的多様性は古文書の由来を説き明かせるか. 日本古文書学会編集古文書書研究 90 2020年12月:35-42. (査読付き)
Muto, C., K. Tanaka, H. Tabuchi, N. Kurauchi, Y-I. Sato, R. Ishikawa (2020) Genetic diversity of preserved rice seed samples from the Mikawa area, Japan, stored in the Meiji era. Breed. Sci.
Taddesse L., Y. Fukuta, R. Ishikawa (2020) Genetic study of diversity and blast resistance in Ethiopian rice cultivars adapted to different ecosystems. Breeding
Science 2020 Jun; 70(3): 303–312. (査読有)
Toyomoto, D., M. Uemura, S. Taura, T. Sato, R. Henry, Ishikawa, R., and K. Ichitani (2019) Segregation Distortion Observed in the Progeny of Crosses Between Oryza sativa and O. meridionalis Caused by Abortion During Seed Development. Plants 2019, 8, 398; doi:10.3390/plants8100398
Muto, C, K. Ebana, K. Kawano, V. Bounphanousay, C. Bounphanousay, K. Kanyavong, P. Inthapanya, C. Boualaphanh, T. Sato, R. Ishikawa, Y-I Sato, S. Yanagihara and Y. Fukuta (2019) Genetic variation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm from northern Laos. Breed. Sci. doi:10.1270/jsbbs.18086(査読有)
Lam, DT,B C Buu, TL Lang, K Toriyama, I Nakamura and R Ishikawa (2019) Genetic diversity among perennial wild rice Oryza rufipogon Griff., in the Mekong Delta. Ecology and Evolution 2019;1–14. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4978(査読有)
Dinh Thi Lam and Ryuji Ishikawa (2018)Molecular discrimination of landraces of Citrus species in the Okinawa,Japan. Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. 66:321−333.(Published online: 21 Nov 2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10722-018-0710-x()
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Kaewcheenchai R, U Promnart, K Soontrajarn, S Chotechuen,S Chitrakon, H Yuki, S Saito, Y-I Sato and R Ishikawa (2018) Diverse genetic variation in maternal lineages with high heterogeneity among in-situ conserved wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) developed in Thailand. Breed. Sci. 68 : 614-621.
Brozynska,M., D. Copetti, A. Furtado, R. A. Wing, D. Crayn, G. Fox, R. Ishikawa, R. J. Henry (2017) Sequencing of Australian wild rice genomes reveals ancestral relationships with domesticated rice Plant Biot. Jour 15: 765-774. (査読有)
Muto, C., R. Ishikawa, K.M. Olsen, K. Kawano, C. Bounphanousay, T. Matoh, Y-I. Sato (2016) The origin and diversification of wx allele of glutinous indica rice landraces through the traditional slash and burn system in northern Laos. Breed. Sci. 66:580-590.(査読有)DOI 10.1270/jsbbs.16032
Ishikawa, R., N. Badenoch, K. Miyagi, K. Medoruma, T. Osada, M. Oonishi. (2016) Multi-lineages of of Shiikuwasha (Citrus depressa Hayata) evaluated by using whole chloroplast genome sequences and its bio-diversity in Okinawa, Japan. Breed. Sci. 66:490-498. (査読有)
Hao, Y., M. Akimoto, R. Kaewcheenchai, M. Sotowa, T. Ishii, and R. Ishikawa (2015) Inconsistent diversities between nuclear and plastid genomes of AA genome species in the genus Oryza. Genes & Genetic Systems 2016 Mar 23;90(5):269-81. doi: 10.1266/ggs.14-00063. Epub 2015 Dec 18. (査読有)
Tanaka, K., N Kamijo, H Tabuchi, K Hanamori, R Matsuda, J Suginomori, Y-I Sato, T Udatsu, R Ishikawa (2015) Morphological and molecular genetics of ancient remains and modern rice confirm diversity in ancient Japan. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution March 2016, Volume 63, Issue 3, pp 447-464 First online: 11 July 2015 (査読有)10.1007/s10722-015-0262-2
Castillo, C., K. Tanaka, Y-I Sato, R. Ishikawa, B. Bellina, C. Higham, N, Chang, R. Mohanty, M. Kajale, D. Fuller (2015) Archaeogenetic study of prehistoric rice remains from Thailand and India: evidence of early japonica in South and Southeast Asia. Archae. Anthrop. Sci. DOI10.1007/s12520-015-0236-5 Date: 10 May 2015(査読有)
Marta Brozynska & Ernnie Syafika Omar &Agnelo Furtado & Darren Crayn & Bryan Simon & Ryuji Ishikawa & Robert James Henry
Brozynska M., E. Syafika, OA. Furtado, D. Crayn, B. Simon, R. Ishikawa, RJ. Henry (2014) Chloroplast Genome of Novel Rice Germplasm Identified in Northern Australia. Tropical Plant Biol. (2014) 7:111–120. (査読有)
Ootsuka,K., I Takahashi, K. Tanaka, T. Itani, H. Tabuchi, T. Yoshihashi, A. Tonouchi, R. Ishikawa (2014) Genetic polymorphisms in Japanese fragrant landraces and novel fragrant allele domesticated in northern Japan. Breeding Science 64:115-124. (査読有り)
Sotowa, M., K. Ootsuka, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Hao, K. Tanaka, K. Ichitani, JM. Flowers, M D .Purugganan, I. Nakamura, Y-I. Sato, T. Sato, D. Crayn, B. Simon, D. LE. Waters, R. J. Henry and R. Ishikawa (2013) Molecular relationships between Australian annual wild rice, Oryza meridionalis, and two related perennial forms. Rice 2013, 6:26 doi:10.1186/1939-8433-6-26
Sotowa, M, (14名略),R. Ishikawa (2013) Molecular relationships between Australian annual wild rice, Oryza meridionalis, and two related perennial forms. Rice 6:26 doi:10.1186/1939-8433-6-26 (査読有)
Ashikawa, I. and R. Ishikawa (2013) A population genetics-based approach reveals candidate gene regions important inthe determination of resistance specificity for the Pik family of rice blast resistance genes. J Gen Plant Pathol J Gen Plant Pathol 79:178-181.(査読有)
Ashikawa, I. and R. Ishikawa (2013) A population genetics-based approach reveals candidate gene regions important inthe determination of resistance specificity for the Pik family of rice blast resistance genes. J Gen Plant Pathol J Gen Plant Pathol 79:178-181.(査読有)
Wang, YP, C. Bounphanousay, K. Kanyavong, I. Nakamura, Y-I. Sato, T. Sato, H-S. Zhang, L-H Tang , R. Ishikawa (2012) Population structural analysis of an in-situ conservation site for wild rice in Laos Genes Genet. Syst. 87:311-322. (査読有)
Higo H, Tahir M, Takashima K, Miura A, Watanabe K, Tagiri A, Ugaki M, Ishikawa R, Eiguchi M, Kurata N, Sasaki T, Richards E, Takano M, Kishimoto N,Kakutani T, Habu Y. (2012) DDM1 (decrease in DNA methylation) genes in rice (Oryza sativa). Mol Genet Genomics. 287(10):785-92. (査読有)
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Tanaka, K., T. Honda, R. Ishikawa. Rice archaeological remain and possibility of DNA archaeology. Arch. Anth.Sci. 2:69-78, 2010 (査読有)
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Ashikawa, I., J. Wu, T. Matsumoto, and R. Ishikawa. (2009)Haplotype diversity and molecular evolution at the rice Pikm locus for blast Resistance Journal of General Plant Pathology (2009) 76:137-42(査読有)
Akasaka,M., J. Ushiki, H. Iwata, R. Ishikawa and T. Ishii. Genetic relationships and diversity of weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.) and cultivated rice varieties in Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Breeding Science 59:401-409, 2009(査読有)
Imai, K., M. Murai, Y. Hao , Y. Chiba, A. Chiba and R. Ishikawa. Mapping of rice Ur1 (Undulated rachis-1) gene with effect on increasing spikelet number per panicle and sink size, and development of selection markers for the breeding by the use of Ur1 Hereditas146:1-9, 2009(査読有)
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Kawasaki, A.,K. Imai, J. Ushiki, T. Ishii, and R. Ishikawa Molecular constitution of weedy rice (Oryza sativa L.) found in Okayama prefecture, Japan. Breeding Science Vol.59:229-236(2009) (査読有)
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Ishikawa, R. S. Yamanaka Y. Fukuta S. Chitrakon C. Bounphanousay K. Kanyavong L-H. Tang I. Nakamura T. Sato and Y-I. Sato : Genetic erosion from modern varieties into traditional upland rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) in northern Thailand.Genet. Resour. Crop Evol. (2006)53:245-252. (査読有)
Ushiki, J, T. Ishii and R. Ishikawa (2005) Morpho-physiological charaqcters and geographical distribution of japonica and indica weedy rice (Oryza sativa) in Okayama prefecture, Japan. Breeding Research 7: 179-187. (査読有)
Miyake, K., T. Ito, M. Senda, R. Ishikawa, T. Harada, M. Niizeki and S.Akada : R2R3-MYB transcription factors from Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus differentially regulated in roots and shoots in response to nitrogen starvation. Lotus Newslett. 34 :54-59, 2004. (査読有)
Yamada, M., Z. Lu, J.Shimazu, R. Ishikawa, M. Senda,S. Akada, T. Harada and M. Niizeki : Analysis of somaclonal variation by using landmarkers of genomic DNA clones in Rice. Rice Genet.Newslett. 21:6-8,2004.
Saito, M., M.Senda, R. Ishikawa, S. Akada, T. Harada and M. Niizeki: Characteristics of progeny plants originating from asymmetric somatic cell hybridization of birdsfoot trefoil(Lotus cornicuratus L.) and rice(Oryza sativa L.). Breed. Sci. 55:379-382, 2005.
島津樹一・千田峰生・石川隆二・赤田辰治・原田竹雄・新関 稔:イネ培養細胞における体細胞分裂期相同組換えの解析. 弘大農生報 7:9-13, 2005.
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Kasai, A., M. Watarai, S. Yumoto, S. Akada, R. Ishikawa, T. Harada, M. Niizeki and M. Senda (2004) Influence of PTGS on chalcone synthase gene family in yellow soybean seed coat. Breeding Science 52:355-360.
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