Tag: comic book

EL本棚紹介(14)The Killing Joke, by Alan Moore and Brian Bolland

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EL本棚紹介(13) Maus, by Art Spiegelman

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EL本棚紹介(12) Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi

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EL本棚紹介(11)They Called Us Enemy, by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott, and Harmony Becker

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EL本棚紹介(10)Beautiful Darkness, by Fabien Vehlmann and Kerascoet

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EL本棚紹介(9)Black Hole, by Charles Burns

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EL本棚紹介(8)Pregnant Butch: Nine Long Months Spent in Drag, by A.K. Summers

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EL本棚紹介(7) Adrian and the Tree of Secrets, by Hubert and Marie Caillou

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EL本棚紹介(6) Locke & Key: Welcome to Lovecraft, by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez

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EL本棚紹介(5) Through the Woods, by Emily Carroll

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (