Category: 未分類

EL Competition 2022 優勝: “Joint” Adventure: A Fun and Effective Way to Build Up Your Body and Vocabulary Simultaneously, by K.A.

If your academic supervisor were to ask you to significantly improve your TOEFL score, increase the amount of muscle in your thighs, and defeat an evil dragon trying to conquer the world, all within one semester, you would probably protest that such a request is extremely unfair and irrational, even if offered all your course credits for graduation with the highest grades. However, there is only one way to possibly complete all these tasks at once comfortably. Play a fitness video game with the language settings set to English! I have played the fitness video game “Ring Fit Adventure” by Nintendo for both maintaining my health and learning English. You …

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EL本棚紹介(72) Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, by Naoko Takeuchi

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (

EL本棚紹介(70) Medicine: The Definitive Illustrated History, by Steve Parker

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EL本棚紹介(67) Superman: Earth One, by Shane Davis

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EL本棚紹介(66) Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Volumes 1-3, by Bryan Lee O’Malley

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2022/10/31 Intercultural Halloween Party 国際交流ハロウィンパーティー

Join the English Lounge to practice English with: – Games and riddles – Candy – Spooky videos – International students – Wear costumes (optional)  

EL本棚紹介(55) Jughead with Archie, by Stan Goldberg

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EL本棚紹介(48) Disney Trivia from the Vault, by Dave Smith

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New Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning 3: Language Learning with Parsed Corpora [Prof. Alastair Butler]

English Lounge is happy to announce the third English Lounge Forum: New Perspectives on Foreign Language Learning. Title: Learning English with a treebank/parsed corpusSpeaker: Alastair Butler (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) Date: June 17 Place: English Lounge and Teams A corpus is a large database made up of samples from a language.  A parsedcorpus is a corpus with linguistic analysis added to the data.  The kindsof analysis added can be quite varied, but analysis often takes theform of syntactic trees.A parsed corpus with syntactic trees is called a treebank.  Treebanks ofquality and size are extremely costly to create and entry restrictionsare normally imposed.  But when you can participate, there is a …

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EL本棚紹介(46) I’ll Mature When I’m Dead, by Dave Barry

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (