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English Lounge Forum 4 – TOEIC

海外協定校講演 アメリカ・テネシー大学マーチン校

Halloween Event

Sankaku Lounge 16.06.2023 11.00-14.00

当室では、今年度より下記のとおり「さんかくラウンジ」を開催いたします。 さんかくラウンジとは、ジェンダーやセクシュアリティに関わらず、弘前大学の学生や教職員が気軽に立ち寄り、ただその場に居たり他の参加者と話したり、自由に時間を過ごすことのできるスペースです。ジェンダーやセクシュアリティに関してモヤモヤと気にかかっていることをシェアしたり、関連する本を手に取ったり、ときどきは関連する映画を観たりすることもできます。開催時間中の出入りは自由(参加申込不要)です。 第1回は6月16日(金)、その後も7月から来年3月まで毎月開催予定です。 会場、Teamsの両方により開催します。 多くの皆様のご参加をお待ちしております。 日   時 6月16日(金) 11:00~14:00 (開催時間中の出入りは自由です) 会   場 総合教育棟2階 イングリッシュラウンジ および Microsoft Teams 参 加 費 無料 対   象 本学の教職員・学生 参加方法 事前の参加お申込は不要です。 会場にいらっしゃる方は、開催時間中いつでもお気軽にお立ち寄りください。 Teamsで参加される方は下記リンクもしくは「コードでチームに参加する」から「5hhbw3g」を入力してご参加ください。 さんかくラウンジのチームはこちら 協   力 イングリッシュ・ラウンジ 連絡先・ 問い合わせ先 弘前大学 男女共同参画推進室 TEL: 0172-39-3888/FAX:0172-39-3889 Email:equality[a] ※[a]を@に置き換えてください。

EL Competition 2022: My Best Friend From Italy, TAKAHASHI Koga

I will introduce my best friend who came from Italy. His name is Alessandro. I call him Ales. As I found out later, “Ales” means “wing” in Latin. As his name suggests, he is a cool and kind man. And I like his smile very much. However sadly, he is leaving Hirosaki in February. That is why I decided to try to write about him. One day, I asked Ales what bring him learning Japanese. He told me about his background. He originally studied biology at his university. But he found it difficult and went to US for three months to study English. And then, he worked as a waiter …

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EL Competition 2022: English and Going a Little Further, Oba Galvao Marina

Even as a non-native speaker, the English Language was always there, present for as long as I can remember. Not exactly there for me, yet not always a barrier. Sometimes, English was just… there, be it in the songs my mom listened to on the radio, or in the names of companies or stores, or even in the opening songs of my cartoons and children’s shows. So, when I started to pick up on the language, not only was I able to bridge the gap between me and the content I wanted to consume in English, but I also started to see lots of things –daily-life details, that I had …

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EL Competition 2022: LR problem, by NAKAMURA Genki

When learning English, you may come across pronunciations that are difficult for Japanese people. If our understanding of them is vague, we often face communication problems and gaps. Speaking of pronunciation problems, the biggest one is the difference in pronunciation between “l” and “r”. Distinguishing between these two sounds is a very difficult task for Japanese people who do not usually use their tongue to pronounce words. In Japanese junior high school English classes, we are often taught to pronounce “l” with the tip of the tongue touching the base of the front teeth and “r” with the tip of the tongue does not touch the mouth. It’s easy to …

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EL Competition 2022: Take It Easy, by HORIKOSHI Anna and ONO Aika

“Take it easy,” the bus driver briskly said to me, who had overslept until I found myself being at the last bus stop and was completely alone in the cold dark. He drove me home without any signs of reluctance, even though it was not his duty to do so. This memory is just a small part of my precious memories in New Zealand. My friends and I stayed there for two weeks to study English at AUT, enjoyed shopping after school and appreciated Māori cultures on a short trip to Rotorua. (See attached video to see how it looks.) Every time a sudden happening occurred, the “Kiwis”, the New …

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EL Competition 2022 奨励賞: Why Are You Learning English? by ABE Tatsumi

Why are you learning English? How would you answer this question? Some may have clear answers, such as “to watch foreign movies without subtitles,” or “to speak with locals when traveling abroad,” while others may not be able to give satisfactory answers themselves. The answer to this question is, of course, different depending on the person. We will probably conclude that it is important for each person to find the meaning of learning English, which will greatly help them learn. In this blog, I would like to introduce the following two TED Talks to anyone who is struggling with the meaning and purpose of learning English. 1. The secrets of …

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EL Competition 2022 奨励賞: Enjoy and learn English with movies! by OTA Izumi

I recommend watching some movies in English. I believe we can learn many words and phrases in the movies. we also can enjoy its story. I introduce my 3 favorites in a ranking format. No.3 is “The devil wears Prada” (2006). The main character is Andy, an unrefined girl. She starts working in a publisher of famous fashion magazine. She grows up there by her very strict boss. She is an unreasonable woman. However, Andy put up with it and turns sophisticated through her hard job. I was excited about how she grows and becomes a nice woman. No.2 is “Aladdin”. As you know, this is a famous Disney movie. …

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