Category: General

海外協定校講演 アメリカ・テネシー大学マーチン校


申し訳ございません。 多田担当のセミナー 5月7日(火) 12:40〜TOEIC Beginner 14:20〜Beginner Time を休講にいたします。 5月14日(火)は通常通り行いますので、ぜひ来てくださいね。

Sankaku Lounge

The Sankaku Lounge is a space where Hirosaki University students, faculty and staff, regardless of gender or sexuality, can drop in, just be there, talk with other participants and spend time freely. You can share your concerns about gender and sexuality, pick up a book or sometimes watch a film. You are free to come and go during the event hours (no registration required). Venue: English Lounge, 2nd floor, General Education Building and Microsoft Teams Admission: Free Target audience: University staff and students How to attend: No prior registration is required. Please feel free to drop in at any time during the event hours. If you are participating with Teams, please …

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TOEFL ITP Practice Test

Take a practice test like the real thing: 5/13, 6/3, 11/11, 12/2

Opening Week 2024

We will have orientation sessions every day from Monday April 15 to Friday April 19. Please stop by to learn about the English Lounge!

Power of Community Space

Forum 8

EL本棚Column: Thoughts on choosing an Extensive Reading Book

(日本語はこちらです) When I was a student, I studied Japanese in a variety of ways. For as long as I have studied Japanese, however, I have consistently done what we call Extensive Reading (多読). Therefore, in this blog post I want to offer some thoughts about choosing books for reading in a second language, based on both my personal perspective and some research in the field of language pedagogy. The most important thing is finding books that you will continue reading. Research on Extensive Reading consistently emphasizes both the role of enjoyment in reading and ease of comprehension. When teachers recommend books for extensive reading, however, we often point to “Graded …

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イングリッシュ・ラウンジ オープニングウィーク

TEAMS(Team Code: ZAAHQSHD(LINK))に登録や最新情報がご覧いただけます。

Auto Draft


7/14 International Hirodai/Sankaku Dialogue – Rethinking Families – Rethinking families: Realities of rainbow families in Japan

Rethinking Families – Rethinking families: Realities of rainbow families in Japan 表題: English Lounge Forum: International HIRODAI 内容:イングリッシュ・ラウンジでは、外国語、留学、異文化理解、また外国語能力を活かしてのキャリア形成を考えるきっかけとなる、5回の講演シリーズを企画しています。 弘前大学学内、また学外より多彩な講師によるトーク、また直接質問できる機会を通して、自分の進路を考えてみませんか。講演は、英語及び日本語で行われます。 詳細: 〇場所 イングリッシュ・ラウンジのセミナールーム/Teams (Teamsコード:zaaqshd) 〇日程 7/13 Wed. 13:00~14:00  [Prof. Yamashita Azusa Office for Promotion of Gender Equality] 10月以降の後期授業開講期間に4回企画されています。 〇その他 登録不要、途中参加・退席OK 提示期間: 2022年7月5日~2022年7月14日 保存期間: 2022年7月14日