EL Game Series (05): “Sushi Go!”

[Welcome to the EL game series. These posts are all short introductions to games you can play in the EL. Because learning to play games in English can take a long time, some posts will explain how to play simple versions of games. Other posts tell you why you should use games to practice English. You can also use the tags to find other posts you might be interested in.]



Sushi Go! is a super simple card game that is fun and easy to learn. Each round just takes a few minutes, and you can add new players at the beginning of a new round. The art is very cute, too.

The basics:

The only thing you do in this game is “drafting.” Everyone starts with a pile of cards. They choose one card to put in front of them. Then they pass their pile to the next person in the circle. Everyone keeps taking one card and passing to the next person until all the cards are on the table. Add up your card points to see who wins the round.

Each kind of food (card) has different rules. The person with the most maki-zushi gets 6 points, the second most gets 3, everyone else gets 0. 2 tempura cards are worth 5 points, but 1 is worth 0. Nigiri-zushi are worth extra points with a wasabi card, etc. etc.

For English Learners:

  • This game is very simple and does not require much talking. Try to keep everyone talking during the game.
  • After you learn how to play, try having a regular conversation while playing. This is not a difficult game with deep strategy, so don’t concentrate too hard.
  • Try “self-narrating,” especially when you score. I will explain “self-narration” in more detail in another post. Basically, say what you are doing out loud: “I will take this card.” “Here, you can take these cards.” “I got two nigiri-zushi and one pudding,” etc.

Final Thoughts: Everybody likes Sushi Go! Having a simple game like this can help break the ice and include new people into your group.