EL本棚紹介(80) Animal Farm, by George Orwell

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (<180 words) introductions/reviews of books in the EL library. They focus on telling you what we think will be interesting for you, a college student and English learner, so use them to help you find the right book for you. You can also use the tags to find books about topics you might be interested in.]


George Orwell’s most famous novel, 1984, is a masterpiece of modern fiction. It is a fictional story examining how a fascist society operates. The setting is a drab but realistic world in which individuality is stamped out by an oppressive government. It was also made into a pretty good movie (see the trailer here: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi2065472025/?playlistId=tt0087803&ref_=tt_ov_vi).

Animal Farm is a novella—only about 100 pages—and tells the story of a group of animals who rebel against the farmer and drive the humans from their farm. They create a new society with rules to keep everyone equal and happy. But the good times do not last, as the pigs rise to power, rewrite the history of Animal Farm, and open up relations with the men in the town.

Animal Farm sounds like a fairy tale, but it is really a political critique, like 1984. In this book, Orwell is critiquing the Soviet Union. As the introduction explains, Orwell was a leftist, but he also could not ignore the atrocities and failures of the Soviet government. The fact that he translates this critique into what almost seems like a children’s story is what makes Animal Farm so unique.

My two cents: This is certainly a challenging book, but I think if you are interested in history or politics that it well worth your time.

EL本棚紹介(79) Stitches: A Memoir, by David Small

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (<180 words) introductions/reviews of books in the EL library. They focus on telling you what we think will be interesting for you, a college student and English learner, so use them to help you find the right book for you. You can also use the tags to find books about topics you might be interested in.]


One of the reasons why comic books and graphic novels have become popular in the United States recently is that they are a creative “medium.” Instead of writing only with words, artists combine words and pictures to show how they feel. When the boy in Stitches feels lonely and retreats into his drawing, he literally falls into his coloring book. When adults are angry and difficult to understand, they start looking a little less human, and more like monsters.

Stitches is an autobiographical story by David Small. He writes about a horrible experience he had growing up in 1950s America surrounded by homophobia (anti-LGBTQ hate), angry parents, and a life-threatening disease: cancer. David’s story is a sad one, and he suffers neglect from both of his parents, who hide both his cancer from him and the terrible reason he got it. It’s a mystery, it’s a little weird, and it’s strangely beautiful.

My two cents: I read this book in one sitting. It’s not a happy, “fun” story, but it really captured me.

EL本棚紹介(78) The Tempest: The Graphic Novel, by William Shakespeare, adapted by John McDonald

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (<180 words) introductions/reviews of books in the EL library. They focus on telling you what we think will be interesting for you, a college student and English learner, so use them to help you find the right book for you. You can also use the tags to find books about topics you might be interested in.]


The Tempest is the last play that Shakespeare wrote by himself. If you have never read Shakespeare or never seen a movie or play by him, you will probably be surprised by this book. The story is full of magic, fairies, and monsters. There is fighting and humor and a little bit of mystery. Everything happens when a great tempest (storm) forces a king, his son, and their comrades onto a mysterious and magical island. The wizard Prospero lives there, and causes all sorts of chaos for the king and his men. However, when you learn about the wizard’s past, you may come to understand his point of view.

Unlike the Shakespeare manga series, this book uses mostly easy to understand modern English. The art is decent, and the whole book is in full color. Because Shakespeare wrote plays, they fit very well with the visual medium of the comic book. Also, as this series is published by an English education company, there is a vocabulary list and interesting information about Shakespeare and the play in the back of the book.

My two cents: I found myself wanting to know more about Caliban’s story as I read. Caliban looks like a monster, but I think you will feel sorry for him and how he is treated.


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EL本棚紹介(77) Frankenstein: The Graphic Novel, by Mary Shelley, adapted by Brigit Viney

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (<180 words) introductions/reviews of books in the EL library. They focus on telling you what we think will be interesting for you, a college student and English learner, so use them to help you find the right book for you. You can also use the tags to find books about topics you might be interested in.]


Frankenstein is one of the classics of horror literature, and it is also widely recognized as the first science fiction (SF) novel ever. It has been made into many movies, including the classic comedy retelling Young Frankenstein (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0072431/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0). It tells the story of the scientist Victor Frankenstein and the “monster” he creates by sewing together dead bodies. He brings the monster to life, only to find his family hunted down and murdered by it over the next several years.

Frankenstein is a wonderful book, and I think you will be surprised by how the author treats the “monster.” Lucky for you, by translating it into a comic book, Viney has made the lengthy original story much more accessible. This adaptation is only about 130 pages. In addition, the pictures tell the story as much as the words do. Because this book was produced by an English textbook company, there is a list of vocabulary words in the back with some interesting information about the author.

My two cents: While this book does not have the best art of the books in our collection, it is still of good quality and supports the story well.

EL本棚紹介(76) Demon Slayer Volume 1, by Koyoharu Gotouge

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (<180 words) introductions/reviews of books in the EL library. They focus on telling you what we think will be interesting for you, a college student and English learner, so use them to help you find the right book for you. You can also use the tags to find books about topics you might be interested in.]


This is a book that needs no introduction. If you like Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) in Japanese, you will like it in English. If you don’t like it in Japanese, then you won’t like it in English.

This is a good example of what I mean when I write that “it’s easier to learn what you already know.” If you have already read Demon Slayer in Japanese or watched the anime, then you will know what to expect when reading in English. This lowers the “cognitive load” (how much work your brain needs to do) when reading, because you will already know the characters’ names, you will understand about the world (full of demons and demon slayers), and you might even remember what will happen in the story. As a result, you will be able to guess the meaning of words you don’t know more easily, and you can probably even skip difficult sections without getting confused about the story. I suggest trying to “learn what you already know” by reading some manga or even something in your major (like science or history) that you know well in Japanese. It is a good way to improve your reading skills.

My two cents: I have only read the first volume, so I am curious how the story develops. That said, I don’t really care for the art style…

EL Game Theories (02): 英語学習者にとってのゲームの種類

English version



Word games (2) –Apples to Apples Last Wordのようなゲームでは、たくさんの単語が書いてあるカードを使って遊びます。母語話者はすべての単語を知り、それぞれの定義を面白くひねりながら遊ぶのです。一方、あなたの場合は、このようなゲームで新しい単語を覚えるためにおすすめします。辞書を引きながらやり、それで学んだことを皆で共有するのもいいと思います。

Simple card games –Uno Sushi Go!のような簡単なカードゲームの遊び方はすぐ覚えらて楽しいですね。このようなゲームで “self-narration”(別な投稿で説明いたしますが)を練習することができます。ここで、勉強や新しい単語と戦うというより、遊びに集中することができます。

Intermediate card/board games –Pandemic: the CureForbidden Islandというような中級のゲームは、遊び方を覚えるのに多少の時間がかかります。このゲームも “self-narration”に適していると思いますが、さらに “team communication”も必要になるでしょう。これを一度に習得するのが難しいかもしれないので、できれば一回目でやり方を一度覚えて、それから同じグループで後日にまた遊ぶことをおすすめします。

Speaking games –テーブルトークRPG “social deduction games” (裏切りゲーム)はあらゆるレベルの言語学習者が楽しめます。ただし、ルールに従ったり、サイコロを振ったり、カードを引いたりするより、これらのゲームはが中心となっています。つまり、グループで会話する自信・勇気が必要だということですね。上級英語を話す力が決して必要ではありませんが、積極的に話す・聞く・参加する態度がなければなりません。

English Lounge Forum 2023-2024 #1 Extensive Reading

Learn about Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is a reading approach in which learners read large amounts of material in a foreign language, usually at or slightly below their level of proficiency, with the goal of improving their language skills, especially reading fluency and comprehension.

The focus of extensive reading is on reading for pleasure and interest, rather than for the purpose of language analysis or grammar study.

2023.04.21 FR.
Talk and Q & A
English Lounge/Teams

EL本棚紹介(75) Manga Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, illustrated by Sonia Leong, and Prince of Cats, by Ronald Wimberly

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (<180 words) introductions/reviews of books in the EL library. They focus on telling you what we think will be interesting for you, a college student and English learner, so use them to help you find the right book for you. You can also use the tags to find books about topics you might be interested in.]


These two books are modern representations of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, but they were made for very different audiences and are very different books.

Manga Shakespeare literally tells the story of Romeo and Juliet using Shakespeare’s original words, but drawn in a Japanese manga style and set in modern Japan. The pictures in the story, use of manga stylization (e.g. using chibi style to visually represent characters’ feelings), and shortened snatches of dialogue all make this book very easy to understand. There is a ton of what language teachers call “scaffolding”—elements to help you understand the text, even though some of the words and grammar are difficult.

My (first) two cents: To be honest, the art is not very good and changing the setting to Japan is just awkward, but I still highly recommend this book as a way of experiencing Shakespeare’s language. I would even recommend it to a native speaker.

Prince of Cats is basically the opposite of Manga Shakespeare. It is an entirely original piece of art with beautiful and crazy illustrations, a creative story and script that combines Shakespearean language, hip-hop aesthetics, and Kurosawa Akira film aesthetic. It tells a secondary story, focusing on the character Tybalt, as a member of a gang in 1980s New York.

My (second) two cents: This book will be extremely challenging, but also very rewarding. You don’t have to read the whole thing: enjoy the art, try some of the language, and see where it takes you.

EL Game Theories (01): 英語学習者にとってのゲーム

English version




