EL本棚紹介(88) The Secret Garden: A Graphic Novel, adapted by Mariah Marsden and Hanna Luechtefeld

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (<180 words) introductions/reviews of books in the EL library. They focus on telling you what we think will be interesting for you, a college student and English learner, so use them to help you find the right book for you. You can also use the tags to find books about topics you might be interested in.]


A young girl whose family died of disease…a farm boy who can talk to animals…a sick boy who is not allowed to go outside…these characters form a friendship in The Secret Garden (Jp. himitsu no hanazono), a famous book that was also recently turned into a movie (https://www.imdb.com/video/vi2242035225/?playlistId=tt2702920&ref_=tt_pr_ov_vi). None of the characters in the book start out happy: they are lonely and kept in an old house away from the city. However, as the story continues, they find a magical garden which teaches them to be happy again and changes the people around them.

This comic book has very pretty pictures which fit the calm story and its special kind of “magic.” There are very few words on each page, so it is easy to read quickly. Some of the characters have a little accent, but it is still all very easy to understand.

My two cents: I enjoyed the story, but the last five pages with background information on the book and author were also very interesting. They explain how the original book was partly set in Imperial India, and why the author of the adaptation decided to delete those parts of the story.

海外協定校講演 アメリカ・テネシー大学マーチン校

EL Game Series (06): “Last Word”

[Welcome to the EL game series. These posts are all short introductions to games you can play in the EL. Because learning to play games in English can take a long time, some posts will explain how to play simple versions of games. Other posts tell you why you should use games to practice English. You can also use the tags to find other posts you might be interested in.]



“Last Word” is a game about quick thinking and vocabulary knowledge. However, you can easily change or adapt the rules to make a new game that is the right level of challenge.

The basics: There are two kinds of cards in the box: letters (a, b, c…) and categories (round things, things found in the kitchen, sports things…). There is also an electronic timer (definitely don’t use) and scoreboard (use if you want to).

For English Learners:

  • Some categories involve pop culture (famous people, famous books, etc.). I recommend skipping those cards.
  • Game 1: Put six categories in the middle of the table. Turn over one letter card. The first person to say a word starting with the letter and matching a category takes the category card. Turn over a new letter and continue until all categories are gone.
  • Game 2: Show one category card and one letter. Someone says a word starting with the letter and matching the category. They take the letter card and turn over a new letter. Continue until no one can think of an answer matching the category. Choose a new category and start again.
  • Game 3: Show a letter and category card and set a 2-minute timer. Each person/team writes down as many words as they can think of that match the category and start with the letter. After the timer ends, compare lists to see who thought of more words.
  • Variation: Play one of the games above, but switch the letters and categories.

Final Thoughts: The tools in the box are so simple that you can make up any game that you want. You can even try using the categories for a different game of Pictionary or charades.

English Lounge Forum 2024-2025 #2 Shadowing/ シャドーイング

Shadowing/ シャドーイング
練習法です。ただ,その何たるかを知らずに何となく自己流でやっている人のなんと多いことか… 。

2023.05.31 FR.
Talk and Q & A
English Lounge/Teams




12:40〜TOEIC Beginner
14:20〜Beginner Time



English Lounge Forum 2024-2025 #1 Extensive Reading

Learn about Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is a reading approach in which learners read large amounts of material in a foreign language, usually at or slightly below their level of proficiency, with the goal of improving their language skills, especially reading fluency and comprehension.

The focus of extensive reading is on reading for pleasure and interest, rather than for the purpose of language analysis or grammar study.

2024.04.26 FR.
Talk and Q & A
English Lounge/Teams

Sankaku Lounge

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施設説明会 2024


EL本棚紹介(87) The Ghost in the Shell, Volume 1, by Shirow Masamune

[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (<180 words) introductions/reviews of books in the EL library. They focus on telling you what we think will be interesting for you, a college student and English learner, so use them to help you find the right book for you. You can also use the tags to find books about topics you might be interested in.]


Ghost in the Shell is a classic of Japanese animation (https://www.imdb.com/video/vi497074969/?playlistId=tt0113568&ref_=tt_ov_vi) which was recently made into a (poorly-received) Hollywood movie (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1219827/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_ghost%2520in). It tells a complex and philosophical story of cyborg (part human, part machine) detectives attempting to stop a series of murders. On the one hand, the movie asks deep questions about identity and what it means to be human; on the other hand, it paints the picture of a beautiful cyberpunk city accompanied by memorable music.


The Ghost in the Shell manga, by contrast, is less a philosophical text, and more an action/mystery/detective story. There are interesting SF elements, and the drawing is often busy and unique. While it is called “volume 1,” this book is actually a spin-off series of stories with secondary characters. As the author explains in his commentary in the back of the book, it may be better to just enjoy the atmosphere (including a lot of interesting casual and SF language) than to look for a comprehensible story. Also, there is a surprising amount of humor in these pages compared to the film.

My two cents: One of the most interesting features of this book is actually the very last three pages. They contain an index of the “SFX” (擬音語・擬態語) throughout the story and their English translations. It may be worthwhile just to look at those few pages on their own.