Author's posts
4月 28
EL本棚紹介(75) Manga Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, illustrated by Sonia Leong, and Prince of Cats, by Ronald Wimberly
[Welcome to the EL Book Introductions series. These posts are all short (
4月 24
EL Game Theories (01): 英語学習者にとってのゲーム
English version (ELゲーム連載へようこそ。このコラムはELで遊べるボードゲームやカードゲームを紹介します。本来のやり方通りにやってしまうと、遊ぶまでの時間が大変かかるかもしれないので、ある投稿では簡単な …
2月 06
EL Competition 2022: How I learn English, by MA He (Millie)
Words are the foundation of learning any language. If you want to build a fortress of English, words are the b …
2月 06
EL Competition 2022: My Best Friend From Italy, TAKAHASHI Koga
I will introduce my best friend who came from Italy. His name is Alessandro. I call him Ales. As I found out l …
2月 06
EL Competition 2022: English and Going a Little Further, Oba Galvao Marina
Even as a non-native speaker, the English Language was always there, present for as long as I can remember. No …
2月 06
EL Competition 2022: LR problem, by NAKAMURA Genki
When learning English, you may come across pronunciations that are difficult for Japanese people. If our under …
2月 06
EL Competition 2022: Take It Easy, by HORIKOSHI Anna and ONO Aika
“Take it easy,” the bus driver briskly said to me, who had overslept until I found myself being at the l …
1月 31
EL Competition 2022 奨励賞: Why Are You Learning English? by ABE Tatsumi
Why are you learning English? How would you answer this question? Some may have clear answers, such as “ …