This is the story of why I decided to learn English. During my elementary school, I struggled that I couldn’t fit in my classmates. This is because I’ve dreaded opening myself up. To be honest, I thought I would be made fun of if I showed who I am. I had no self-esteem, I think now. It is painful that we can’t express ourselves while caring how people see us. So, I decided to change myself to a cheerful person when graduated from elementary school. At the beginning, it seemed that I succeed to pretend a bright boy. However, I gradually came to realize that it’s not me. Worse still, bullying me in soccer club started. they often threw my belongings away and made fun of my actions and words, exposed features of my body among all students. I couldn’t talk about it with anyone because of shame. So, I felt I don’t belong to anywhere. One day, I had influenza. I wished that I could have made it last. On the 4th from the first absence, I had nothing to do and finally found glee, a musical drama in the U.S., which my mother loves and recorded. I came across an episode that a boy tries to face bullying. I was crying unconsciously. Then, I continued watching episodes. There were teenagers like me who struggled with bullying, LGBTQ etc. Suddenly, facing bullying guys came up to my mind. I made up my mind and did. In conclusion, bullying stopped. What’s more, I became a friend with them. Glee taught me Guts and literally saved my life. After this, I wanted to see a bigger world or studying abroad. Now, I study English education for becoming a teacher and preparing for it. That’s why I study English.
1月 28