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HAWAIIAN NIGHT ~~June 23rd~~

今週金曜日  ❣特別テーマ❣ ❣特別部屋❣ ❣特別ゲスト❣ Friday, 6/23 is very special. We will drink herbal mamaki tea from Hawaii, enjoy Hawaiian snacks, learn a little bit about Hawaiian herbal medicine, and play a special game discussing patient intake and childhood diseases with two US guests. One is my nephew, Jacob (Jake), who worked as a lawyer in New York City and has taken some time to travel around Asia. He started his trip in Israel, where he met his friend, Jillian (Jill), who will also join us. YES, Israel is part of Asia!! This is very exciting. You will have multiple native speakers, quasi-native speakers, and excellent English students to speak with… This is …

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June 21st – Wednesday meet up

Hi folks,  Wednesday, 6/21 is upon us. Join us for mixers, games, quizzes, exercises, short presentations, and videos.   2:20-5:30 PM   Place: 共同教室  From the 1st floor main entrance of the 医学研究棟, take a left and keep walking until you pass a vending machine, go through a set of doors and find yourself inside some classrooms that are part of the hospital complex.   

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Meeting February 22 – on ZOOM!

Hello everyone! Record-breaking snowfall all around so let’s get cozy with a cup of coffee and join us on Zoom this week for the ME Forum. Start : 3pm

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